Our Mission

“Health and Education for All’s mission is to empower the disadvantaged and displaced populations through health and education”

Our Vision

“HAEFA envisions a Bangladesh where universal health coverage is accessible to underserved and vulnerable populations”

HAEFA is a leader in providing humanitarian medical care to Rohingya refugees from Myanmar, garment factory workers in Dhaka Division, and underserved women and hard-to-reach populations in different parts of Bangladesh. HAEFA provides training to medical teams, support staff, and patient populations on hygiene, nutrition, and family planning in order to foster lasting positive living conditions.

Screenings and treatment for non-communicable diseases, pregnancies and cervical cancers have been provided to over 30,000 ready-made garment workers by HAEFA since July, 2013.

HAEFA’s medical teams have provided healthcare to over 130,000 Rohingya Refugees living in the camps since 2017.

Since April 2018, HAEFA has provided NCD services and single-visit cervical cancer screenings using mobile colposcopy method and treatment to over 10,000 women in RMG factories.

HAEFA imported 10,000 pieces of essential PPE and distributed throughout Bangladesh and pioneered a COVID-19 Competency Training of Trainers program in collaboration with Project HOPE.

With partnership of Project HOPE, HAEFA is providing medicines and medical supplies to the medical teams treating health problems of the population impacted by the devastation of Cyclone Amphan in May 2020.

Learn More About the Projects that HAEFA Is Working On




Our 2022-2023 Annual Report

Click to read an account of HAEFA’s healthcare programs, education, research, fundraising, and emergency response from August 2022 – July 2023.


Providing free, quality, and essential healthcare services
to underserved people in Bangladesh.

Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa