HAEFA Newsletter – September 2021

 HAEFA COVID-19 Response

  • As part of HAEFA’s “Emergency Covid-19 response”, HAEFA Bangladesh has provided 7 Oxygen cylinders on an emergency basis to help Covid patients in Sirajdikhan Upazila Health complex, Munshiganj on September 3, 2021. 
  • Honorable DG of NGOAB of Bangladesh, the country director of HAEFA, and the UHFPO of Sirajdhikan Upazila Health Complex were present at the occasion.

Advanced COVID-19 Clinical Management Certification Course 

  • In collaboration with Brown University CHRHS, Project HOPE, DGHS Bangladesh, Bangladesh National COVID-19 Guideline Committee, SCIB, and USAID, HAEFA has developed and launched a new, web-based, interactive Advanced COVID-19 Clinical Management Certification Course on the DGHS website. 
  • This course is contextualized for Bangladesh with a major goal to help physicians acquire a standardized COVID-19 management and treatment protocol in a convenient, self-paced manner. 
  • The course consists of 3 interactive modules, each of which contains pre-recorded videos about the clinical management of Covid-19 patients and an exam based on interactive case scenarios.

Cumulative number of Doctors registered for the online training course as of 7th September: 1961
Completed Certification MCQ Test as of 7th September: 810
Passed and Achieved Certificate as of  7th September: 407

Residential Training on VIA for Service Providers

  • Prof. Dr. Sabera Khatun, Gynecological Oncologist, Professor & Head, Dept. of Gynae Oncology (BSMMU), was the focal point of the training. 
  • The goal of the training was to create awareness on cervical and breast cancer as these are the prevalent types of cancer among women in Bangladesh. 
  • The training included steps for the prevention of cervical screening and breast cancer,  use and interpretation of diagnostic tools for example VIA, CBE, SBE. 
  • Two doctors from Cox’s Bazar and one midwife from Kurigram participated in the training on behalf of HAEFA. Other participating midwives and SSNs were from Cox’s Bazar, Narayanganj and Kurigram.

Project HOPE’s Mental Health and Resiliency Training:

  • HAEFA is implementing a 5- module online TOT on Mental Health and Resiliency Training for the frontline healthcare workers including physicians, nurses, paramedics of Bangladesh collaborating with Project HOPE and Brown University  
  • The HERO-NY module will be updated based on the contexts of Bangladesh
  • Master trainers will conduct two monthly training sessions beginning in October 2021 through February 2022 aiming to train 3,000 healthcare workers by April 2022. 


  • The HAEFA Mental Health team had meetings with Dr. Mekhala Sarkar (Associate professor of psychiatry, National Institute of Mental Health) regarding the review of modules. 
  • The team is working on the identification of the implementation team and review and compilation of edits to modules. 
  • The team will have meetings with the Project HOPE and New York City Health & Hospitals and other master trainers from other countries in Southeast Asia in the 3rd week of September.

Pathology Laboratory Updates:

  • HAEFA has completed building the infrastructure for a diagnostic pathological laboratory at Balukhali camp in collaboration with the PwC Charitable Foundation to achieve the highest level of quality for diagnosing medical conditions, monitoring diseases, and evaluating patient treatment.
  • The laboratory setup and procurement of equipment is underway, with technical assistance, personnel training and expertise from LABAID.
  • Free lab facilities will be available for the Rohingya and the host community when the lab opens on October 1, 2021.
  • The lab services include Lipid profile, HbA1c, Serum albumin /creatinine/electrolyte/urea test, LFT (SGPT, SGOT), Pregnancy test, (RBS),  urine creatinine test, ASO (Anti-streptolysin O), Bilirubin test, Widal test – TO, TH, AH, BH.

Cervical Cancer (See-and-Trat) Screening:

Total number of patients screened from October 2019 till August 31, 2021 with a table for (A) total positive cases, (B) total received treatment: (i) Thermocoagulation, (ii) LEEP/biopsy/Surgery

  • In August, a total of 4544 women were screened in 9 subdistricts (UHCs) in Kurigram. Fifty-five cases were positive. Positive cases are receiving treatment now.
  • In August,  474 women were screened in 5 VIA centers in 5 upazilas in Cox’s Bazar. Twenty-two cases were positive. Positive cases are receiving treatment now.

Awareness Campaign

Community Facilitators of HAEFA have started the door-to-door awareness sessions at the community level and are motivating the targeted group for VIA screening. As a result, VIA (visual inspection by acetic acid) screening number significantly increased after starting the campaign at the Upazila/union level. The team is working hard to build awareness among the community to increase the VIA screening numbers.

COVID-19 in Rohingya Camps:

  • Rohingya refugees usually suffer from malnourishment and multiple comorbid conditions, such as Hypertension, Diabetes Mellitus, etc., which put them at high risk for severe Covid-19 illness, hospitalization, and mortality.
  • HAEFA is providing free medical services in the Rohingya refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar. 
  • HAEFA identified 154 presumptive Covid-19 cases in the Rohingya camp in August 2021 and provided medical care to the suspected cases. The patients were provided health education to maintain quarantine and health hygiene in preventing the outbreak.
  • HAEFA is trying its best to prevent the outbreak of Covid-19 by raising awareness among people, and by providing protective equipment to healthcare professionals.

Rohingya Camp Vaccinations:

  • As of the 23rd of August, a total of 36,943 people have received their first dose of the vaccine out of the targeted 43,093 population of 55+ years of age. This helped HAEFA to achieve 86% coverage. 

Rohingya Camp Updates:

HAEFA healthcare professionals have been giving medical care to the Rohingya Refugees since its establishment. In the month of August a total of 6050 refugees have received medical care from HAEFA. A summary of the medical conditions of the patients treated by the three camps of HAEFA is provided below. 

  • Kutupalong (Camp 1w): 
    • Total patients seen: 3054.
    • 644 DM, 814 HTN, 31 Asthma, and COPD, 29 Anemia, 78 COVID-19, 267 Musculoskeletal Disease, 262 Dermatitis & scabies, 98 Diarrhoea, 90 Fever, 65 Cough, 227 Dyspepsia, Helminthiasis 67. 
  • Balukhali (Camp 09):
    • Tota patients seen: 1631.
    • 171 DM, 241 HTN, 13 Asthma, and COPD, 29 Anemia, 71 COVID-19, 208 Musculoskeletal Disease, 211 Dermatitis & scabies, 59 Diarrhoea, 75 Fever, 47 Cough, 203 Dyspepsia, Helminthiasis 46.
  • Bhashan Char FDMN:
    • Total patients seen: 1365.
    • Among them 93 DM, 91 HTN, 5 Asthma, 24 Pregnancy, 8 Presumptive TB, 145 Skin Disease, 260 Fever, 183 Cough.
Theme: Overlay by Kaira Extra Text
Cape Town, South Africa